1. Batto, Nathan F., and Emily Beaulieu. 2020. “Partisan Conflict and Citizens’ Democratic Attitudes: How Partisanship Shapes Reactions to Legislative Brawls”. The Journal of Politics 82(1): 315-328.
2. Hsiao, Yi-Ching and Eric Chen-Hua Yu. 2020. “Polarization Perception and Support for Democracy: The Case of Taiwan”. Journal of Asian and African Studies. DOI: 10.1177/0021909620911150.
3. Tsai, Tsung-Han. 2020. “The Influence of the President and Government Coalition on Roll-Call Voting in Brazil, 2003-2006”. Political Studies Review. DOI: 10.1177/1478929920904588.
4. Wang, Ching-Hsin, Dennis Weng, and Chia-Hung Tsai. Forthcoming. “Personality Traits and Political Participation in Taiwan: A Mediation Approach”. Political Science. DOI: 10.1080/00323187.2020.1767506.
5. Yang, Wan-Ying, and Chia-Hung Tsai. 2020. “Democratic values, collective security, and privacy: Taiwan people’s response to COVID-19”. Asian Journal for Public Opinion Research.
1. Batto, Nathan F., 2019. “Female Electoral Success in Taiwan Using SNTV with Reserved Female Seats under Authoritarianism and Democracy”. International Journal of Taiwan Studies 2(1): 111-137.
2. Huang, Chi. 2019. “Generation Effects? Evolution of Independence-Unification Views in Taiwan, 1996-2016”. Electoral Studies 58: 103-112.
3. Tsai, Chia-Hung. 2019 “Unfolding the Pattern of Contentious Participation in Taiwan”. Electoral Studies 58: 94-102.
4. Tsai, Chia-Hung, Ching-Chin Wang, and Dennis Lu-Chung Weng. 2019“Personality Traits and Individual Attitude toward the Independence–Unification Issue in Taiwan”. Journal of Asian and African Studies 54(3): 430-451.
5. Tsai, Chia-Hung, Alexander C. Tan, and Koochul Jung. 2019 “An Analysis of the 2014 New Zealand General Election: Do Internet Use and Online Party Mobilization”. Political Science 71(1): 79-91.
6. Tsai, Tsung-Han, Chia-Hung Tsai, and Chi Huang . 2019 “Different Immigrants, Same Attitudes? Making Sense of the Association between Two Immigrant Groups”. Social Science Quarterly 100(6): 2369-2390.
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1. Batto, Nathan F., 2018. “Just a Bunch of Bullies: Legacy Candidates in Taiwan Elections, 2001- 2016”. Asian Survery 58(3): 486-510.
2. Batto, Nathan F., 2018. “Cleavage structure and the demise of a dominant party: The role of national identity in the fall of the KMT in Taiwan”. Asian Journal of Comparative Politics 4(1): 81-101.
3. Batto, Nathan F., 2018. “Gender Quotas and Upward Mobility in Elections in Taiwan”. Journal of Women, Politics, & Policy 39(4): 451-466.
4. 莊文忠、林瓊珠、鄭夙芬、張鐙文,2018,〈婦女保障名額制度與選舉競爭對女性參政的影響:以 2000 年至 2010 年縣市議員選舉為例〉,《台灣政治學刊》,22(2): 1-46。
5. 陳宏哲、蔡宗漢,2018,〈選舉競爭與資訊對投票率的影響:以台灣2005-2014年直轄市與縣市議員選舉為例〉,《選舉研究》,25(2): 55-88。
6. 陳陸輝,2018,〈情緒政治與2016年總統選舉〉,《選舉研究》,25(2): 31-53。
7. 陳陸輝、楊貴,2018,〈社會轉型期中國民眾政治傾向的持續與變遷:一個類型學的分析〉,《中國大陸研究》,61(3): 1-32。
8. 黃紀,2018,〈Testing Partisan Effects on Economic Perceptions: A Panel Design Approach〉,《選舉研究》,25(2): 89-115。
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10. 潘心儀、蔡宗漢,2018,〈憑據猜答或盲目猜答?以政治知識測量為例〉,《東吳政治學報》,36(2): 213-259。
11. 潘心儀、蔡宗漢,2018,〈政治知識測量與選擇題猜答行為:調查實驗法的應用〉,《民主與治理》,5(1): 1-27。
12. 蔡宗漢、游清鑫,2018,〈政府責任與課責行為:理論與測量〉,《台灣政治學刊》,22(2): 47-102。
13. 蔡佳泓,2018,〈Electoral Competition, Incumbency, News Coverage, and Prediction Market Price: A Preliminary Study of Campaign Contributions and Spending in Taiwan's 2016 Legislative Election〉,《選舉研究》,25(1): 117-1475。
1. Lee, I-Ching, Eva E. Chen, Nai-Shing Yen, Chia-Hung Tsai, and Hsu-Po Cheng.2017. “Are we rational or not? The exploration of voter choices during the 2016 presidential and legislative elections in Taiwan”. Frontiers in Psychology, section Personality and Social Psychology 8: DOI: 10.3389/fpsyg.2017.01762.
2. Tsai, Tsung-Hun. 2017. “A Balance between Candidate- and Party-Centric Representation under Mixed-Member Systems: The Evidence from Voter Behavior in Taiwan”. Electoral Studies 49: 17-25.
3. Tsai, Tsung-Hun, and Chang-Chih Lin. 2017. “Modeling Guessing Components in the Measurement of Political Knowledge”. Political Analysis 25(4): 483-504.
4. Wang, T. Y., and Su-Feng Cheng. 2017. “Taiwan Citizens’ Views of China: What Are the Effects of Cross-Strait Contacts?”. Journal of East Asian Studies 17(2): 1-10.
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6. 俞振華、涂志揚,2017,〈選舉預測:利用全國性調查推估區域立委選情〉,《東吳政治學報》,35(3): 71-120。
7. 俞振華、翁定暐,2017,〈影響台灣民眾政治參與的因素:從公民規範認知的觀點出發〉,《調查研究—方法與應用》,38: 9-56。
8. 游清鑫、蔡宗漢、林長志,2017,〈政治課責與選民投票行為:以2014年高雄氣爆事件為例〉,《臺灣民主季刊》,14(4): 101-137。
9. 湯晏甄、蔡宗漢、張傳賢,2017,〈政黨認同對於政治知識的動機性推理影響〉,《臺灣政治學刊》,21(2): 157-217。
1. Lee, I-Ching, Eva E. Chen, Chia-Hung Tsai, Nai-Shing Yen, Arbee L. P. Chen, and Wei-Chieh Lin. 2015. “Voting Intention and Choices:Are Voters Always Rational and Deliberative?”. PLOS ONE 11(2): 1-14.
2. 陳陸輝、陳映男、耿曙,2016,〈依違於大我、小我之間:解讀臺灣民眾對兩岸經貿交流的心理糾結〉,《台灣政治學刊》,20(1): 1-58。
3. 陳陸輝、陳映男,2016,〈政治情緒對兩岸經貿交流的影響:以臺灣的大學生為例〉,《選舉研究》,23(2): 55-89。
4. 蔡佳泓、陳陸輝,2016,〈「中國因素」或是「公民不服從」?從連續追蹤樣本探討太陽花學運之民意〉,《人文及社會科學集刊》,27(4): 573-603。
1. Wang, T. Y. and Su-Fung Cheng. 2015. “Presidential Approval in Taiwan:An Analysis of Survey Data in the Ma Ying-jeou Presidency”. Electoral Studies 40: 34-44.
2. Yu, Eric Chen-hua, Chi Huang, and Yi-ching Hsiao. 2015. “Who Wants Checks and Balances? Endogeneity of the Balancing Perspective”. Asian Journal for Public Opinion Research 2(3): 196-227.
3. 鄭夙芬、官大偉、林士淵,2015,〈原住民立法委員選舉單一選區劃分可能性初探〉,《選舉研究》,22(2): 71-108。
4. 蔡佳泓、陳陸輝,2015,〈「中國因素」或是「公民不服從」?從定群追蹤樣本探討太陽花學運之民意〉,《人文及社會科學集刊》,27(4): 573-603。
5. 蔡佳泓,2015,〈Measuring Public Opinion toward Social Welfare in Taiwan〉,《台灣政治學刊》,19(1): 241-279。
6. 黃紀,2015,〈Endogenous Regressors in Nonlinear Probability Models: A Generalized Structural Equations Modeling Approach〉,《選舉研究》,22(1): 1-33。
1. 陳陸輝、陳映男,2014,〈公民意識、社會正義與政治參與〉,《當代中國政 治研究報告》,12: 343-368。
2. 陳陸輝、陳奕伶,2014,〈兩岸關係與台灣民眾政治支持的解析〉,《民主與治理》,1(1): 87-109。
3. 蔡佳泓,2014,〈現任縣市長支持之研究:多層次貝氏統計之應用〉,《應用經濟論叢》,96: 69-104。
4. 鄭夙芬,2014,〈候選人因素與投票抉擇—以2012年臺灣總統選舉為例〉,《臺灣民主季刊》,11(1): 103-151。
5. 林長志、蔡宗漢,2014,〈副總統候選人的選票效應—2004~2012年總統選舉的比較分析〉,《臺灣民主季刊》,11(2): 39-89。
6. Yu, Ching-hsin, Eric Chen-hua Yu, and Kaori Shoji. 2014. “Innovations of Candidate Selection Methods: Polling Primary and Kobo under the New Electoral Rules in Taiwan and Japan”. Japanese Journal of Political Science. 15(4): 635-659.
1. 鄭夙芬,2013,〈2012年總統選舉中的臺灣認同〉,《問題與研究》,52(4): 101-132。
2. 黃紀、林長志、王宏忠,2013,〈三合一選舉中之一致與分裂投票:以2010年高雄市選舉為例〉,《選舉研究》,20(1): 1-42。
3. 俞振華,2013,〈初探民主體制下民眾的領導觀〉,《法政學報》,25: 27-64。
4. 俞振華、林啟耀,2013,〈解析台灣民眾統獨偏好:一個兩難又不確定的選擇〉,《台灣政治學刊》,17(2): 165-230。
5. 游清鑫、林聰吉,2013,〈臺灣身心障礙者投票參與之初探〉,《身心障礙研究》,11(3): 169-183。
6. 陳陸輝、陳映男,2013,〈台灣大學生的媒體使用與政治效能感〉,《傳播文化》,12: 3-40。
7. Huang, Chi, Hung-chung Wang, and Chang-chih Lin. 2013. “Knowledge of the Electoral System and Voting: The Case of Taiwan’s 2012 Legislative Election”. Issues & Studies. 49(4): 1-45.