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學術專書 Book

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Chapter 1: The Taiwan Voter: An Introduction  (Christopher H. Achen and T. Y. Wang)

Chapter 2: Who is Taiwan Voter? (Chia-hung Tsai)

Chapter 3: Changing Boundaries: the Development of Taiwan Voters’ Identity (T. Y. Wang)

Chapter 4: Parties, Partisans, and Independents in Taiwan (Ching-hsin Yu)

Chapter 5 : Issues, Political Cleavage and Party Competition in Taiwan (Shing-yuan Sheng and Hsiao-chuan (Mandy) Liao)

Chapter 6 : Economic Voting in Taiwan: Micro- and Macro-level Analysis (Chia-hung Tsai)

Chapter 7: Cross-Strait Relations and the Taiwan Voter (Alexander C. Tan and Karl Ho)

Chapter 8: Evaluation of Presidential Candidates’ Personal Traits (Hung-chung Wang and Lu-huei Chen)

Chapter 9: Political Left and Right in Taiwan (Yi-ching Hsiao, Su-feng Cheng, and Christopher H. Achen)

Chapter 10: Electoral System Change and Its Effects on the Party System in Taiwan (Chi Huang)

Chapter 11: Political Participation in Taiwan (Chung-li Wu with Tzu-Ping Liu)

Chapter 12: Conclusion: The Power of Identity in Taiwan (Christopher H. Achen and T. Y. Wang)


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