Dennis Lu-Chung Weng*;陳陸輝;Ching-Hsing Wang, 2022.02, 'The Effect of China Factor on Taiwan’s Elections: How Has It Changed across Generations from 2008 to 2014, ' Asian Education and Development Studies, Vol.11, No.2, pp.248-264.(SCOPUS)(*為通訊作者)
王德育;鄭夙芬;陳陸輝, 2009, 'Deep Green Supporters and Political Tolerance in Taiwan: An Analysis of Kennedy’s Hypothesis in a Democracy under Stress, ' Issues & Studies, Vol.45, No.1, pp.1-30.(SSCI)
T. Y. Wang;陳陸輝, 2008.09, 'Political Tolerance in Taiwan: Democratic Elitism in a Polity under Threat, ' SOCIAL SCIENCE QUARTERLY, Vol.89, No.3, pp.781-801.(SSCI) Ref.
蔡佳泓;游清鑫;黃紀;陳陸輝;鄭夙芬, 2008.02, 'Examining Strategic Voting in Single-Member Districts: A Case Study of the 2006 Taipei Mayoral Election, ' Japanese Journal of Electoral Studies, No.23, pp.101-11. Ref.
陳陸輝*;游清鑫, 2005.02, 'Change and Continuity of Partisan Support in Taiwan''s 2004 Presidential Election, ' Japanese Journal of Electoral Studies, No.20, pp.98-114.(*為通訊作者)
陳陸輝*;蔡宗漢, 2021.10, 'Change and Continuity of Political Trust among the Electorate in Taiwan, ' 2021 TIGCR International Conference on "Political Polarization: Perspectives of Governance and Communication, TIGCR.(*為通訊作者)
Dennis Lu-Chung Weng*;陳陸輝;Ching-Hsing Wang, 2021.10, 'How China Factor Mediate Personality Effect on Party Preference in Taiwan?, ' the 117th American Political Science Association Annual Meeting & Exhibition, APSA.(*為通訊作者)
陳陸輝*, 2019.11, 'Personality and Vote Choice in the 2020 Presidential Election in Taiwan, ' The Taiwan Relations Act at 40: Democracy in a Changing World, Western Michigan University.(*為通訊作者)
陳陸輝*;廖崇翰;蔡佳泓, 2018.10, 'Personality and Political Participation in Taiwan, ' 2018 AES Conference, 慶應大學.(*為通訊作者)
Huang, Chi*;Kah-yew Lim;Lu-huei Chen;Eric Chen-hua Yu, 2018.09, 'The Emergence of New Political Parties: The Case of New Power Party in Taiwan, ' annual meeting of the American Political Science Association, APSA.(*為通訊作者)
Lu, Kelan Lilly*;Shu Keng;Lu-huei Chen, 2018.09, 'When Interest Manage to Conquer Identity: Limitations of China’s Economic Statecraft against the Taiwan Identity, ' the 59th Annual Conference of American Association for Chinese Study, American Association for Chinese Study.(*為通訊作者)
Tsai, Chia-hung*;Lu-huei Chen;Chi Huang, 2018.09, 'Family Politics and Campaign Spending, ' the International Conference on Family Politics and Elections in Southeast Asia, Univeristy of Canterbury.(*為通訊作者)
陳陸輝*;洪永泰, 2016.12, 'Combining Landline and Cell Phones Samples, ' "Election Polling and Democratic Consolidation in Taiwan and Korea” conference, Institute of East Asian Studies.(*為通訊作者)
陳陸輝*, 2016.09, 'Emotions and the 2016 Presidential Election in Taiwan, ' “The 2016 Taiwan and the 2016 Election: The Raod Ahead. 24th Annual Taiwan Studies Cnference., Walker Institute, Cneter for Asian Studies.(*為通訊作者)
DENNIS WENG*;陳陸輝*, 2015.11, 'China Effect in Taiwan’s Election: Single Issue Voting (Independence-Unification) in Taiwan, ' 2015年台灣政治學年會暨「民主與治理的挑戰」國際學術研討會, 臺灣政治學會、金門大學.(*為通訊作者)
陳陸輝*;Hans Stockton, 2014.03, 'Identity, Party Identification, and Voting: Setting Cross-Strait Expectations for 2016, ' 2014 International Conference on Taiwan’s Election and Democratization Study: Perspectives on Citizen Participation, 選舉研究中心.(*為通訊作者)
周應龍*;陳陸輝;王宏忠, 2013.05, 'Income Inequality and Presidential Popularity: the Case of Taiwan, ' the 2013 Annual Meeting of the Japanese Association of Electoral Studies, Japanese Association of Electoral Studies.(*為通訊作者)
王宏忠*;鄭夙芬;陳陸輝, 2013.04, 'Presidential Approval and Its Political Effect: The Case of 2012 Taiwan’s Presidential Election, ' Annual Meeting of Midwest Political Science Association, Midwest Political Science Association.(*為通訊作者)
王宏忠;陳陸輝*, 2013.03, 'Evaluation of Presidential Candidates’ Personal Traits, ' the Taiwan Voter workshop, Election Study Center, National Chengchi University.(*為通訊作者)
陳陸輝*;Ying-nan Chen, 2012.12, 'Media Use and Political Efficacy among University Students., ' the2012 International Mini Workshop “The Impacts of New Media on Elections-- Singapore vs. Taiwan.(*為通訊作者)
Wang, Hung-chung;Su-feng Cheng;Lu-huei Chen, 2012.08, 'Presidential Approval and Its Political Effect: A Simple Test of Responsible Party Government Theory in 2012 Taiwan’s Presidential Election., ' annual meeting of the American Political Science Association.
陳陸輝*;Ying-nan Chen, 2012.05, 'Post-materialism and Political Support in Taiwan and China., ' the Post-materialist Change in Korean Society"” the Institute for Human Rights & Social.(*為通訊作者)
陳陸輝*;Ying-lung Chou;Misa Nishikawa, 2012.04, 'Voting Choices under the SNTV and MMM in Taiwan and Japan: An Overview., ' Elections in Taiwan and Japan under the Mixed-Member Majoritarian System Workshop.(*為通訊作者)
Chang, Chun-chih;Lu-huei Chen;Te-sheng Chen, 2011.11, 'Supporting for Greenpeace? An Empirical Test on Post-Materialism in China and Taiwan., ' Peace and Democracy in Korea and Taiwan: Comparative Perspectives.
陳陸輝*;Chang Chun-chih, 2011.09, 'Value, Performance, or Social Capital? A Comparison of Institutional Trust in China and Taiwan., ' the annual meeting of the American Political Science Association.(*為通訊作者)
Tsai, Chia-hung*;Ching-hsin Yu;Lu-huei Chen;Chao-chi Lin;Su-feng Cheng, 2011.06, 'Multilevel Analysis of Voting Behavior under Mixed-Member Majoritarian Systems: Korea, Taiwan, and Japan., ' 2011 AES International Conference.(*為通訊作者)
Chen, Lu-huei, 2010, 'An Exploratory Study of Political Support in Taiwan, ' the annual meeting of the American Political Science Association.(SSCI)
Lu, Yeh-chung;Lu-huei Chen, 2010, 'To Talk or Note to Talk: Domestic Constraints on Ma Ying-jeou’s Political Reach-Out to China, ' 2010 DMZ Peace Congress.
Chen, Lu-huei, 2010, 'Peace, Prosperity, and Democratic Support: A Study of Political Support in Taiwan, ' the International Conference on Democracy and Peace: A Comparative View of Experiences, Operations, and Challenges.
陳陸輝, 2009, '台灣民眾政治支持的持續與變遷, ' Manifesto政策選舉 評價 發展方案比較:韓國、日本、台灣, Korea Focus Institute.
Chen, Lu-huei;T. Y. Wang;Sufeng Cheng;Ching-hsin Yu, 2009, 'National Security and Economic Rationality: An Assessment of Ma Ying-jeou’s Cross-Strait Policy, ' Taiwan and the Chinese Mainland: Cross-Strait Relations in a Time of Transition.
陳陸輝*;耿曙;張雅雯, 2008.09, 'An Exploratory Study of Origins of Taiwan Identity, ' 2008年美國政治學年會, 美國政治學會.(*為通訊作者) Ref.
黃紀;陳陸輝;周應龍, 2008.05, 'Taiwan’s New Mixed Electoral System and Its Effects on 2008 Legislative Election, ' 2008年日本選舉學會年會, 日本選舉協會.
蔡佳泓*;陳陸輝;鄭夙芬;劉嘉薇, 2007.10, 'Comparing Candidate Voting in the 1996, 2000, and 2004 Presidential Elections., '.(*為通訊作者)
王德育*;鄭夙芬;陳陸輝, 2007.10, 'Deep Green Supporters and Political Tolerance in Taiwan: An Analysis of Kennedy’s Hypothesis in a Democracy under Stress, ' 「台灣選舉與民主化調查」國際學術研討會:2006年北高兩市選舉, 東吳大學.(無)(*為通訊作者)
陳陸輝, 2006.09, 'Political Trust and Its Political Consequences in Taiwan, ' 美國政治學會年會, 美國政治學會. Ref.
耿曙(Keng, Shu);陳陸輝(Chen, Lu-huei);黃冠博(Huang, Kuan-bo), 2006.08, 'Sense, Sensitivity and Sophistication in Shaping the Future of Cross-Strait Relation, ' 35屆台、美「當代中國問題」學術研討會, 政治大學國關中心. Ref.
蔡佳泓;游清鑫;陳陸輝;鄭夙芬, 2006.05, 'Voting Behavior and Electoral Engineering in Taiwan, ' 日本選舉學會年會, 日本選舉學會. Ref.
王德育(T. Y. Wang);陳陸輝(Lu-huei Chen), 2005.11, 'Political Tolerance in Taiwan: Is There a Gap Between Elites and Masses?, ' 台灣選舉與民主化調查2005年國際學術研討會:經驗調查之跨國比較, 中央研究院制度與行為研究專題中心,政治大學選舉研究中心等. Ref.
Tsai, Chia-hung;Chen, Lu-huei;Yu, Ching-hsin, 2005.08, 'Comparing Consensus on Taiwan Democracy Among the Mass Public and Elites, ' "Emerging Democracies and Democratic Values: The Experiences of Taiwan and East Asia" conference, University of North Texas. Ref.
Chen, Lu-huei;Yu, Ching-hsin, 2005.05, 'Comparative Political Attitudes between Taiwan and Japan, ' 2005 Annual Meeting of Japanese Association of Electoral Studies, Japanese Association of Electoral Studies. Ref.
Ho, Karl;Yu, Ching-hsin;Chen, Lu-huei, 2005.05, 'The Knowns, Unknowns and Unknown unknowns in Taiwan electorate: An Exploratory Analysis on Political Independence in the 2004 Taiwan Presidential Election, ' 台灣選舉與民主化調查國際學術研討會(2004總統大選), 「台灣選舉與民主化調查」規劃與推動委員會. Ref.
陳陸輝(Chen, Lu-huei);游清鑫(Yu, Ching-hsin), 2004.11, 'Grassroots Democracy in Chinese Cities: The Election of Neighborhood Committee and Its Political Consequences, ' “International conference on Grassroots Democracy and Local Governance in China During the reform Era,”, Hosts by Chinese Association of Political Science, Center for China Studies, National Chengchi Unive. Ref.
陳陸輝(Chen, Lu-huei);游清鑫(Yu, Ching-hsin), 2004.05, 'Change and Continuity of Partisan Support among the Electorate in Taiwan, 2000-2004, ' 2004年度日本選舉學會, 日本選舉協會. Ref.
陳陸輝, 2003.04, 'Change and Continuity of Partisan Preference among the Electorate in Taiwan,1992 to 2001, ' Conference on Electoral Politics in Taiwan, *.
陳陸輝, 2002.08, 'Political Trust and Voting Behavior in Taiwan., ' the annual meeting of the American Political Science Association, American Political Science Association.
陳陸輝;Su-Feng Cheng;Ching-Hsin Yu, 2002.04, 'How Do Different Measurements Affect People’s Evaluations oPoliticians?, ' the annual meeting of the Midwest Political Science Association, the Midwest Political Science Association.
陳陸輝;Teh-fu Huang, 2002.03, '“KMT After the Defeat: Surviving or Reviving”, ' Conference on Patterns and Outcomes of Democratic Transition Under One-Party Hegemony, East-West Center.
陳陸輝;Su-feng Cheng, 2002.03, 'Interview Language Usage, National Identity, Taiwan IndependencPreference, and Survey Research in Taiwan, ' the annual meeting of the Western Political Science Association, the Western Political Science Association.
陳陸輝*;Ying-nan Chen;T. Y. Wang, 2013.02, 'Interest, Identity, and People''s Preference on Taiwan Independence Issue in Taiwan., ' New Dynamics in Cross-Taiwan Straits Relations: How far can rapprochement go, Routledge, pp.153-168.(*為通訊作者)
陳陸輝*;陳映男, 2012.12, 'Post-materialism and Political Support in Taiwan and China, ' Social Change and Postmaterialism in Korea, ORUEM Publishing House., pp.213-25.(*為通訊作者)
Wang, T. Y.*;Ching-hsin Yu;Su-feng Cheng;Lu-huei Chen, 2012.01, 'Structural Realism and Liberal Pluralism: An Assessment of Ma Ying-jeou''s Cross-Strait Policy., ' New Thinking about the Taiwan Issue: Theoretical insights into Its Origins, Dynamics, and Prospects, Routledge, pp.137-152.(*為通訊作者)
陳陸輝*;陳奕伶, 2011.09, '城鄉基層治理, ' pp.87-107.(*為通訊作者)
王德育;陳陸輝;耿曙, 2010.08, 'Symbolic Politics, Self-Interests and Threat Perceptions: An Analysis of Taiwan Citizens'' Views on Cross–Strait Economic Exchanges, ' TAIWAN''S POLITICS IN THE 21ST CENTURY, World Scientific Publishing Co., Inc.
蔡佳泓;陳陸輝;游清鑫, 2008, 'Comparing Consensus on Taiwan Democracy Among the Mass Public and Elites, ' Democratization in Taiwan: Challenges in Transformation, Ashgate Publishing Company. Ref.