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Dataset and Regulations

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Date 2014-01-16

1. Detailed Provisions are formulated according to the eighth provision of REGULATIONS AND OBLIGATIONS OF ELECION STUDIES & SURVEY DATA ARCHIVE.


2. For reasons of administrative convenience, please fill the application from in paper-format. You may download the file of application form from our website or contact with us. Please send the form in paper-format to us after appropriately filling in.

Data may be delivered by the ways of E-mails, floppy disks and CD-R/CD-RWs. It is obligatory on an applicant to provide necessary materials(e.g. workable FD,CD-R/CD-RW, self-stamped envelope) for data storage.


3. Example for the procedure of data application: 

  1. Applicants receive (or download) the application form, fill in appropriately, and send to ESC together with necessary materials for data storage.
  2. ESC checks all items in each application form.
  3. ESC makes the backups of data applied.
  4. ESC sends the data applied in the way below:
  • By E-mail.
  • By mail with the applicant pays the postage, and the applicant shall afford the consumable materials needed.
  • Pick up at the ESC by applicant.


4. Please feel free to ask if any questions about the data applied.

Please check the REGULATIONS AND OBLIGATIONS OF ELECTION STUDIES & SURVEY DATA ARCHIVE for further information when necessary.

Attached File:

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