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Mixed-member Electoral Systems in Constitutional Context: Taiwan, Japan, and Beyond (鑲嵌於憲政脈絡的混合選舉制度)


這部學術專書係由美國密西根大學出版社(University of Michigan Press)出版,由本校政治系講座教授黃紀與本校及中央研究院合聘助研究員鮑彤(Nathan Batto),加上紐西蘭坎特伯里大學(University of CanterburyAlexander Tan 教授與史丹佛大學政治系講座教授Gary W. Cox共同主編,集合了臺、美、日、紐21位一流學者,討論臺灣、日本、泰國、菲律賓、紐西蘭、德國、俄國、波利維亞等國家所採取的「混合選舉制度」的異同,解析選舉制度對於政黨體系的影響,而憲政制度在這些國家又如何影響政黨體系。

本書在學理上超越了傳統對國會選制效應的「立法中心」觀點,進而提出國會選制的影響更應從憲政體制下之「行政中心」的觀點(executive-centric theory)來評估,方能洞悉為何相似的國會選制會產生不同的效應。



Introduction: Legislature-centric and Executive-centric Theories of Party Systems and

    Factional Systems

    (Nathan F. Batto and Gary W. Cox)



Part I. The Consequences of MMM on Political Coordination in Taiwan and



1.  The Consequences of MMM on Party Systems

    (Chi Huang, Ming-feng Kuo, and Hans Stockton)

2.  The Consequences of Constitutional Systems on Party Systems

    (Jih-wen Lin)

3.  LDP’s Factions under SNTV and MMM

    (Yoshiaki Kobayashi and Hiroki Tsukiyama)

4.  Party Factions in Taiwan under SNTV and MMM

    (Nathan F. Batto and Hsin-ta Huang)

5.  Intra-Party Competition and Party Nominations under MMM

    (Eric Chen-hua Yu, Kaori Shoji, and Nathan F. Batto)

6.  Campaign Strategies under MMM

    (Kuniaki Nemoto and Chia-hung Tsai)

7. Split-ticket Voting under MMM

    (T.Y. Wang, Chang-chih Lin, and Yi-ching Hsiao)



Part II. Coordination in Mixed-Member Systems in Comparative Perspective


8.  Thailand and the Philippines under MMM

    (Allen Hicken)

9.  The Political Consequences of MMP in New Zealand

    (Alexander C. Tan and Matthew Soberg Shugart)

10.    Executives and Blank Votes in the Bolivian and Russian Mixed-Member Systems

       (Nathan F. Batto, Henry A. Kim, and Natalia Matukhno)

Conclusions: Mixed-Member Systems Embedded within Constitutional Systems

    (Chi Huang)

Publisher:  University of Michigan Press

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